Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A hairy debate

The other day a workmate was operated and they needed to shave off his pubic hair. He mentioned this to some guys at work and they were all surprised that he had to go through the removal procedure since all of them regularly shaved their body hair. So a debate began that yielded a 60-40 shaved-unshaved ratio.
It was the weirdest debate.
So I was wondering...what is the way for a guy to go? shaved? trimmed? or pubes gone wild? Opinions are welcome!


Anonymous said...

Esa área no se hizo para afeitarse. Eso es cosa de hombre metrosexual, pero ahora lo pintan como algo de higiene. Eso sin mencionar el picor que debe dar, ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhh. En las mujeres se ve bien, pero pienso que se ven mejor "trimeaitas" bien chévere. Le da más personalidad al área, hahahahhaaha.

Anonymous said...

De acuerdo con Nanel, esa área no se hizo para afeitarse.
Tan sólo afeitarse el bikini line es molestoso, no me imagino cómo debe ser afeitarse toda el área, o peor aún, hacerse "waxing".... es cuestión de masoquismo.