Thursday, June 01, 2006

there ought to be a law

It's Sunday. You go to the beach. It's kind of crowded but you find your perfect spot.You take out your book. You want to relax. To feel close to nature.You want to breath the amazing ocean breeze.
That is until an asshole is smoking at the beach. Some stupid person has decided that the beach is a perfect place to smoke. So suddenly YOU are inhaling his fucking smoke. For 10 minutes, there's no ocean breze. You don't feel close to nature. You feel you are in a cheap bar with no ventilation. Then,for half an hour, everything's fine, until the asshole gets the urge to smoke again.
Now that they are passing legislation, why not ban smoking at the beach? The beach would be free of cigarette stubs and our lives would be better. How about it?


Zen said...

HMMMM. Don't know...I used to smoke so I know all about wanting to smoke and relax at the beach...but I quit, so I know how annoying it can be smell cigarrette smoke if you don't smoke. HMMMM...No se....

ARD said...

Hey... I used to be one of those assholes!
Tampoco abogaría por esto, la playa es un espacio abierto y público, sería lo mismo que prohibieran fumar en la calle!!! En lo que estoy 100% de acuerdo es en la basura- si fumas, llévate tus colillas contigo. Y si no haces, multa pa' ti.

Anonymous said...

yo creo que todo es cuestión de ser prudente. yo soy fumador y cuando estoy en la playa me gusta darme mi cigarrillo. es bien relaxing. pienso como annette en el sentido de que si vas a la playa, no dejes colillas tiras en la arena. eso es un asco. y por ejemplo, si veo que a alguien le está molestando mi humo, o si hay una mujer embarazada, me alejo para no molestarlos. con respecto a prohibir el uso de cigarrillos en la playa, pienso que sería súper difícil ya que no hay espacio más abierto que una playa. comoquiera que sea, todo es cuestión de ser prudentes.

Di said...

Hm...I dunno. I think it's just a question of being polite. I don't smoke all the time, only now and then, and if I'm at the beach, I wouldn't leave cigarette stubs lying around because that's disgusting. I dunno, maybe people should just be polite about it.