Saturday, June 10, 2006

on friends

The other day I realized something. Of all the friends I had in high school I only keep in touch with one. Only one. Something truly amazing in this world of easy communications thanks to cell phones, e-mail and instant messaging. I guess I lost touch with all of them prior to the coming of the internet. But it is still an interesting thing.

Our high school group consisted of 10 really close friends. We used to meet 4 nights a week and go here and there. When we all went to college, we saw each other on Summer and Christmas breaks, then we saw each other less frequently.
After college, one ended up in Chicago, another one in Detroit, one I have no idea where he is, another went to Boston. I have no idea whether they visit the island, but they don't call if they do.

Then there are others who still live in Puerto Rico. I may run into them at the mall. We say hello,promise that this time "we are really going to get together after work and have a beer".We never do. Once we almost had a four person mini reunion. At the last minute, two of them had to cancel. Then we all did.

Anyway, I wonder if the same thing will happen to the friends I have now. If they will one day dissapear too. If everything is temporary like that. A good friend of mine is now moving to NYC to study and I wonder whether I will see her once or twice and exchange a few e-mails and then, we will lose touch. I hope not. I want to keep the friends I have. Even if they are far away. I want to know how they are doing. And the ones here, well,I would like to keep them close to me. And maybe, if Fate would have it, years from now, to grow old and sit in a park bench together and watch people go by. Life may have other plans, of course. But, damn, I hope not.


invisible me said...
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invisible me said...

Isn't it always like that? In the end you'll only keep 3 or 4 friends for life..I wish I could keep mine too... right now it hurts to think they might leave someday, but they probably will.

Di said...

Yeah, I think it's always like that. As sad as it might be, I don't really believe in goodbyes anyway.

Anonymous said...

yo creo en la amistad genuina, en la que aunque no estes ESTAS, en aquella que llamas o te apareces sin razon alguna solo por las ganas de verte y conversar. creo en una sincera, abierta, espontanea y libre, la que no se marchita ni se difumina, aquella que perdura como si fuera ayer con el pasar de los aƱos.

yo no mantengo amistades, yo las tengo, las guardo, las refugio en mi. si se van y me olvidan ya es otro asunto, al menos yo intento quedarme con ellas SIEMPRE.