Monday, August 14, 2006


Goddess tagged me. So here are 8 things about me:

1. madrugador-will wake up early no matter if its a holiday.
2.hate shopping mall movie theaters.If a movie doesn't play at the Metro or at Fine Arts, I will wait for the DVD.
3.have seen Paul McCartney live four times, at two Super Bowls and at two concerts in Miami.
4.Believe Graham Greene books teach you more about life than all "self help" books combined.
5.have a inmediate mistrust of anyone who talks a lot about being "a Cristiano"
6.must have a Diet Coke or Diet Sprite at 3pm every day.
7.hate "Stars Wars", the absolute ruin of American movies in the 1970's. looking at the ocean.

I tag...
3.nanel(when he decides to write a blog)

Once you have been tagged, you have to write a post with 8 facts/things/habits about yourself and say who tagged you. In the end, you will need to choose the 6 people you tag and list their names. No tag backs.


Zen said...

YEA!!!!!! Por fin...We have a couple of good things in common...especially the "Cristiano" part. Un abarzo!

carol said...

Zen ya me habia tagged, es que todavĂ­a no acabo de terminar la lista haha.