Friday, August 25, 2006

A night at the movies 70 years ago

Warner DVD has done of the coolest things. They have recreated in many of their classic DVD's a night at the movies from long ago. So when you buy a movie like "G-Men" (1936) with James Cagney, you get a newsreel, two short features, coming attractions, a cartoon and the movie. All of them exactly the ones that played when the movie was exhibited seventy years ago. The same way our grandparents probaly saw them at the Riviera theater or a place like that.

A wonderful idea. By the way, the movie is pretty cool. No one like James Cagney to play a tough guy, this time on the right side of the law. Plenty of action, thrills and tough "dames". All in all, a fun time. Prepare the popcorn and go back in history, for just one night.

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