Friday, February 10, 2006

Good Night and Good Luck

I had told myself I would never visit the Fine Arts theater again, but last night I went to see this excellent movie. It deals with the battle between Joseph McCarthy and CBS journalist Edward Murrow. It was a battle between someone who was willing to destroy all civil liberties in order to acquire power and a journalist(and an entire organization-CBS) who was willing to expose him. In this age in which tv networks are timid when it comes to critizing the government, it is amazing to see the courage of CBS at that time. The movie is in black and white and McCarthy is presented by using actual footage form the era. This is a really terrific film.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

la fotografia....alucinante, las actuaciones buenisimas tambien, lo que me resulta chocante (y sumamente efectiva) es la ambientacion de la epoca....como se fumaba!!!! y en lugares cerrados y hasta anunciaban el beneficio del cigarrillo...a veces ver como lo que hoy es saludable luego no lo es y ver que existe esa interminable dualidad y contradiccion en todo (medicina por ejemplo) pone los pelos de punta.