Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Trinity" movies and the art of fooling people

During the early 1970's Puerto Rico became flooded with an avalanche of silly Italian westerns: the Trinity movies. These movies were parodies of the Clint Eastwood-Sergio Leone westerns and featured all kind of slaptick situations. I remember loving them as a kid. But unfortunately, they are the sort of films that when seeing as an adult, are
a huge letdown. They are silly, boring and well...stupid.

The Trinity movies featured Terence Hill and Bud Spencer, but local movie theaters would rip people off by showing "fake" Trinity movies such as "The Cousins of Trinity". People would go to see these movies and suddenly realize that neither Hill nor Spencer were in the movie. They would do the same thing with Bruce Lee movies with titles such as "The Clones of Bruce Lee" starring Bruce Li (get the sly name change?). These were the days long before E! and the Internet and theater owners could get away with fooling people like that.

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