Saturday, December 09, 2006


The New Year is arriving. And with it a milestone in my life. In April of 2007 I turn 46. I would be past the middle of the decade that an older friend of mine called "The last really good ten years". I always remember when he told me that on my 40th birthday. And now almost six years later, those words come to my mind.

Then again, fuck it. I'll start jogging, eating really healthy and start taking Viagra and go on. Anyway, there are still four years left until that. There's today and tomorrow. And tomorrow. Yeah, fuck it.


Di said...

I've always felt that it's not the number that matters about your age, it's how you're living it. You can choose to act like a stereotypical 50 something, or you can choose to break out of the box.

Sadly, society doesn't seem to enforce this. =/

C said...

yo tengo 42 y todavia creo que cumplí 21 los otros días, pero tambié me dí cuenta que ya a las 12:00 a.m. estoy cabeceando. Todavía nos queda un laaargo camino

Anonymous said...

bueno, yo todavia ando en base 3...pero cuando una vez intente deprimirme porque habia llegado a los 30 (oh god please somebody shoot me!), un amigo me dijo "relajate, eres la mas joven de los treintañeros, 29 eres la mas vieja de los veinteañeros" y les juro que me relaje. es como en nuestra profesion my friend, todo es cuestion de percepcion...