Monday, April 10, 2006

gospel of judas

I saw a fascinating documentary the other night on cable. About the discovery of a lost gospel that basically says that Judas betryed Jesus because Jesus asked him to do it.But the really interesting thing was that the documentary said that there were over 30 different gospels at one point. But that a monk in the third century narrowed it down to four because "the wind blows from 4 points" or some other lame excuse like that. In fact the monk was a very conservative man who was outraged by any gospel that would be slightly "strange" and decide to pick the ones that fitted his own narrow view of Christianity. So everything we were taught as kids as "the word of God" was the product of some monk's editing. A nice thought for this Holy Week.


Anonymous said...

Yo también lo vi y estuvo muy interesante. Me estuvo bien curioso que no sólo escogieron sólo 4 por las excusas estúpidas que mencionas, sino que los 4 evangelios que escogió fueron basados en su popularidad. En ese momento los evangelios eran usualmente narrados y la gente hacía "requests" de sus preferidos, los que mós querían oir. Los evangelios de Lucas, Marcos, Juan y Mateo, por incluir la historia del nacimiento de Jesús, entre otras narrativas "light" y de buenas noticias, eran los más solicitados. Increíble que el contenido de la biblia es resultado de algo equivalente a los "ratings" en los medios actuales.

Anonymous said...

Te imaginas??? El evangelio de Marcano, el evangelio de La Comay, el eveangelio de Don Francisco, el Evangelio de Maripily.