Friday, March 03, 2006

The trip- the reasons why

The real reason behind my upcoming trip is kind of strange. It has to do with plumbing. A plumbing work that my building force me to make cause the removal of a bathtub from one my two bathroom. So that required me to build a new bathroom. So then, my other bathroom started having leakage problems, so I was forced to build that one too. So I had to leave the apartment for two weeks in order to avoid all the dust and of course the fact that I had no bathroom. I was pissed off for days for having to go through all this hassle. So I decided to plan this trip to San Francisco and Miami. Making the best of a hassle. Two weeks away from home.

In a way, it was also a good time to take a break. I am really tired of some weeks of working really hard. I am exhausted. Mentally and physically tired. Too tired.

I chose San Francisco because I have not been there in maybe 20 years. I went there with my whole family, including my grandfather. It was a wonderful trip. And Ipromised myself I would return there someday. So it was an easy choice. I decided to go back to the wonderful city by the bay. It will be interesting to see how I look at the city now as a fortysomething person. One's perspectives change over time and one notices different things about a place at different ages.
Miami I chose because I've always liked the city to get away from it all and just hang out. In Miami I will be meeting with my father who is visiting some friends there.
So there you have the reason behind the trip.

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