Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Field of dreams

I can't believe it's been two years since we last had the Expos games here. It was such a fun time to finally see Major League baseball in Puerto Rico. But as everything, the first year everyone went to the games because it was "the cool thing to do" and "the place to be seen" more or less like Galaxy Lanes today. It became a competition among the elite as to who had the best seats. You could see them at the park calling each other on the cell phone, comparing where they were sitting. But still, the park was full and baseball fans like me could enjoy the games.

But during the second year, only true baseball fans attented the game, the poseurs moved on, and assistance fell down. The result being that we can no longer enjoy a nice hot dog, a beer and a wonderful baseball game. Too bad. It was really nice time.
Well, maybe when Galaxy Lanes goes out of vogue, baseball will be back. One can always dream

1 comment:

ARD said...

Fui a los juegos de los Expos y me encantaron (fui sólo el primer año- does that make me a poseur? Aunque no comparé asientos con nadie, mis sillas estaban bien mierdosas anyway, jejeje).
Tengo que confesar que estoy loca por ir a Galaxy Lanes por lo menos a ver de qué se trata el asunto.