Monday, July 17, 2006

beyond regueton

The other afternoon I was watching a pop music show on Television Espanola. Sometimes I watch them to see what Europe is listening to since it seems that over here there's regueton and not much else. Anyway, after watching an hour of the show I found out:

1.people over there listen to regueton. There was a Spanish group which was kind of silly. A bunch of galleguitos pretending to be mean guys. But that was only 5 minutes of the whole hour.

2.rock is still a force there. There were many rock groups in the show, some Spanish, some English and American. It was refreshing to see young people in a rock band and listening to rock n' roll.

3.there is some true talent out in Spain. There was this group called Marlango, a Spanish group leaded by a singer-actress Leonor Watling ,who combines jazz, folk and rock in their music. And they sing in English!!! Talk about eclectic. And the teenage kids were loving it. Which made me realize that maybe over there young people are more open to different sounds. Or maybe they are more culturally aware and enjoy diversity.

So there's hope still, guys. Only you have to go to Europe. Or tune in to Ipop on TVE, channel 51 on Saturday afternoons.


Zen said...

I believe that reggaeton is okay pero no para todo el tiempo. It is nice to see that it has not infected everywhere it goes and that people have maintained the music that makes them unique. There is no salsa anymore, no spanish rock influence (at least in the mainstream like there used to be...)It makes me sad pero que le vamos a hacer verdad? HEY you take care and I sending out to you a huge HUG!!!!

Anonymous said...

El regggaeton es como un cáncer que se metastizó en la sociedad puertorriqueña y dañó todo a su alrededor. Y va en camino de contaminar cuanto país toque. Que lastima que la gente haya perdido el sentido de lo que es buena música y se haya dejado engatuzar de estos pendejos brutos morones de caserío que si no fuera por esa música estuvieran empacando mi compra en el supermercado más cercano.

Di said...

It's nice to see that Spain's still got musical diversity. I don't really have too much of a problem with reggeaton, but what bothers me is how it seems to be the norm nowadays. How 'bout using other genres, eh? There're plenty out there.