When MTV producer Benjamin Wagner met PBS icon Mr. Rogers, he had no idea his life was going to change forever. Because when Wagner told him he worked for MTV, Mr. Rogers warm answer was life altering, " I feel so strongly that deep and simple is far more essential than shallow and complex." One year and many "deep and simple" conversations later, Rogers whispered "Spread the message, Benjamin!".
And he did. Especially through "Mr. Rogers and Me", a wonderful, sweet, beautifully made documentary. In it we see various interviews with people who know Mr. Rogers. And we learn how this soft spoken man had the power to touch people's lives. His obvious love for people comes through in each story we hear. We also get to hear the man himself, talking about life, television and children.
This is such amazing documentary. One that makes one look at our own life and realize that maybe Mr. Rogers had the right way of looking at things and at the power of kindness and understanding. This is a work of art that makes one want to be a better person. And can you think of the last movie that made you feel that way?
Please catch this documentary on DVD, on PBS or on iTunes.
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