This is one haunting documentary about a Catholic priest (father O'Grady,photo above) who sexually abused hundreds of children, some as young as 3 months old and how the Catholic Church knowing what was going on, simply transferred him from parish to parish, allowing him to come in contact with new children he could rape.
The interviews with the still unrepentant priest are revealing and unforgettable. He seems flippant about the whole thing, almost treating it as no big deal. He walks free the streets of Ireland after having served only 7 years in a California prison.
The interviews with the victims ad their family are really sad. These are people who because of their faith, trusted a man in cloth, only to be betrayed by him and the Church.
As for the Church, well, it shows you how it simply ignored the whole problem. How the hierarchy was more interested in playing politics and remaining in power than in solving the problem. The Church acted in a heartless and awful way. By the way, the current Pope's old job was dealing with the sexual abuse problem in the Church.
This is an amazing documentary.
por eso yo le digo a los nenes cuando van a la iglesia que lleven condones.. por si aca.
Quiero verla
Nenes de tres meses?! Santo Dios.
Una vez, cuando trabajaba en hospitales, estaba en la sala de emergencia y llego un nene como de 12 o 13 anos, como que en estado de shock, ni hablaba, y era que la mama habia llamado a un sacerdote porque el nene parece que estaba teniendo problemas en la escuela, y los dejo a solas para que hablaran, y el cabron lo violo =/ No se si llego a penetrarlo, aunque si le mandaron a hacer pruebas de todo, asi que me imagino que si, pero Dios mio, cuando fui a atender al nene yo ni sabia que decirle a la mama, de hecho creo que ese es el caso que ha estado saliendo en las noticias ultimamente, aunque eso fue como en el 2005.
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