After posting about "the 8 things about me" I figured it would be cool to explore some of the things I wrote about in more detail.
The first thing i write about is the "madrugador" aspect. This is something that is now becoming part of my everyday life. It used to be I loved to sleep late,especially on weekends. This phase of my life reached its peak in my early 30's when I suddenly became a night person, hanging out and drinking the night away. So sleeping late became the norm.
But now, I am much calmer, and I love waking up early and just enjoying the morning. There is a silence at that time of day, a silence that ends around 8am, when all the trucks start appearing on the streets and the noise from all the construction sites remind you that you are in the middle of a city.
There is also the peace of mind that the morning brings. The old, dark thoughts of the night are gone and you are faced with a new day. A new opportunity, a new chance to change whatever you want to change.You probably won't change a thing, but there is always the feeling that you COULD change it if you wanted to. It's the old Cat Stevens song come to life:
Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for the springing fresh from the world
Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass
Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, Eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God's recreation of the new day
Well, enough about the madrugador. I must take a shower, get dressed and go to work.
Mornings are for that too.
i'm trying sooooooo hard to become a morning person, i don't drink the night away, i don't party that much anymore... perhaps it's true what i once wrote: i'm happier when i sleep.
Mornings do have it's enchantments but sleeping in has a certain coziness to it too!! Por eso me encanta quedarme en la cama si se que es dia de trabajo. I sleep better!
Yo nunca he sido morning person, desde pequeña. Me encanta levantarme lo más tarde posible. Ahora con los niños no es fácil dormir hasta tarde, pero tengo la suerte de que mis nenes son dormilones también.... hay sábados que se despiertan a las 9am-10am!!!
Tampoco me gusta desayunar, no me da hambre por las mañanas!!!
yo tampoco soy un morning person. in fact, las mañanas me ponen de mal humor, con morriña. pa' mi levantarme temprano es una tortura. no hay nada mejor que los días en que uno, por costumbre, se levanta temprano y se da cuenta de que es un día de fiesta y no hay trabajo. wow, la felicidad que da volver a prender el aire y arroparse nuevamente no tiene precio. personalmente prefiero las tardes. no se porqué, pero a esa hora es que me siento más productivo y las ideas me fluyen mejor.
se imaginan si en los trabajos te preguntaran a que hora del día prefieres trabajar? la productividad empresarial aumentaría dramáticamente. sin duda alguna.
sufre peter drucker!!!!
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