It's funny how certain movies that one sees as a kid stay with you always. I remember so vividly watching this movie at the Cinerama movie theater in Santurce. I saw it with my mother on a weekday afternoon.
In a way, it's easy to realize why I remember it so well. It is a suspense movie about children, one bad, one good. It touches the secret life of kids and the dark side they have. It was a movie that would be close to the heart of a 10 year old.
It is also a damn good movie. Based on a bestselling novel, "The Other" is probably one of the best, if not the best horror movie of the 1970's. Far creepier than "The Omen" because it felt real. There is no devil here. Pure evil is just that. Evil. And that is scarier than any made up Satan tale.
With great performances, and a taut direction by Robert Mulligan (Summer of 42), The Other is worth seeking. It's now on Blu-Ray.