I saw this documentary in 2002 on CBS. It is THE document about 9/11 simply because it was so real. Two French filmmakers were doing a documentary on NYC firemen when the towers were attacked. They actually went in the towers filming what was going on in the lobby, on the staircases. Forget about Oliver Stone'smovie, this was the real thing.It was one of the most amazing things I have seen in my life. Now it's running into trouble because of the FCC tough rules on indecency following the Janet Jackson
Super Bowl prank. Un-fucking-believable.
Network affiliates balk at 9/11 doco
04 September 2006
LOS ANGELES: Dozens of CBS television affiliates are balking at network plans to rebroadcast the acclaimed documentary 9/11 for fear that coarse language by firefighters in the film may incur stiff new fines for indecency.
About 12 CBS affiliates have opted to skip the documentary altogether and run other programming in its place, while a dozen others plan to air the film later at night when fewer children are watching and more mature content is generally allowed, network sources said on Friday.
They said two dozen additional affiliate stations were still undecided about whether to preempt or delay the documentary, set to air on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on America by suicide hijackers.
The two-hour film, produced by French filmmakers Gedeon and Jules Naudet and retired firefighter James Hanlon, was aired twice before by CBS in 2002 without regulatory consequences.
But broadcasters have become extra cautious about running afoul of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission amid an ongoing crackdown on profanity and other content the agency deems to be in violation of its decency standards.